Web Software Engineer

Legacy Personal Projects

The projects below are examples of past work that won’t be updated. The best way I know to get comfortable with a concept is to write something with a goal in mind. I like to keep examples around to gauge my growth as a developer. The Photowheel project is one of my favorites, and is a good example of my early experiments as a javascript author. All of the projects load into iframes, so navigation works within each site, but there are no back and forward buttons.

Dlvr - 2014

This is an angularJS app intended to be a drop in solution for video editors organizing deliverables on LAMP stacks. No database is required, as each instance of the app saves its data to JSON files, and no Apache configuration is necessary, but there’s no authentication. The assumption is that the media files themselves would be ftp’d to the server. When I wrote this in 2014, I wasn’t familiar with PHP uploads, so there is no uploader. The player and controls are standard implementations of the HTML5 video API.

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photowheel - 2015

This project started in 2011, about nine months after I got my iMac, and all the images were hardcoded. Now it dynamically reads from a root folder and pulls collections (folders) and the image files within them, creates thumbnails for any images that don’t have them, has an autoplay feature, and HTML5 audio. The most recent round of updates made it fully responsive by leveraging the CSSOM.

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michaeleinsohn.com - v1 - 2013

In early 2013 I decided to build myself website. I hadn’t yet discovered WordPress, so I thought I’d build a single page app. The original idea was to build the site as a collection of articles with some boilerplate around them so that if the browser didn’t support the HTML5 history API, then the pages would still load as individual linked pages. While this approach actually works, I wasn’t familiar enough with .htaccess files to pull it off with pretty URLs. In any case, fleshing out an SPA with my own implementation of the history API, and building a scripting system with jQuery AJAX taught me a lot. I never launched it, because parts of it were always changing, and I didn’t know if the base code would stand the test of time.

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Legacy Client Websites

While I no longer pursue new freelance clients, I still help to maintain a few of the sites I previously designed and implemented.

My Problem Is Adam

Circle of Energy